Residential Costs

a summer experience for 8-13yr olds

Watching the cost.
We are fully aware of the cost pressures facing schools and communities at present with rising costs in everything from energy, to food, to materials and staffing costs.  We are not immune from these costs and have to regularly review our pricing structure for residential visits. 
We have sought to minimise cost increases by introducing a new pricing structure that is more fairly based on the number of people staying, the duration of their stay, the age of the children, and the level of input requested from our learning team.
Our new pricing structure enables us to ensure residential visits to Springhead remain viable, but allows you to choose how you want to stay with us and only pay for what you use.
Residential packages.
We have divided our residential visits into three packages to help you decide what works best for you, your learners and your budget.
Package A: this option includes accommodation on a catered basis (aside from packed lunch on day of arrival), full use of the learning spaces and Springhead site, and access to a selection of our learning resources and equipment should you wish to use them to run activities with your learners.
Package B: this option includes everything in package A but with the addition of a fully facilitated learning programme led by our practitioners with you and your staff in a supporting role.
Package C: this option is a blended option of packages A and B and allows you to select a mix of facilitated and self-led learning/activities.
Pricing examples (all prices exclude VAT).
We have a new pricing matrix to accommodate visits for 5-32 pupils, staying for 1-4 nights.  We also allow for whether you want input from our Learn with Springhead team (packages B and C), or simply want to use the site and run your own programme (package A).  
As each school is unique in its requirements we ask you to complete this form with your requirements so that we can give you an accurate costing for your proposed stay.  
The following provides a couple of worked examples and includes the price range for a number of typical scenarios. 

Primary age-pupils (cost is per pupil/per night and excludes VAT)
Typical cost* for package A (accommodation and catering only): £57 (for 1 night stay) to £50 (for 4 night stay)
Typical cost* for package B (as A but fully supported by LwS team): £79 (for 1 night stay) to £72 (for 4 night stay)
Typical cost* for package C - this will fall in between A and B according to the level of support.
* 'typical' is based on 25 pupils. Fewer pupils may raise the cost/pupil marginally, whilst more would lower it slightly.
Secondary age pupils (cost is per pupil/per night and excludes VAT)
Typical cost* for package A (accommodation and catering only): £65 (for 1 night stay) to £58 (for 4 night stay)
Typical cost* for package B (as A but fully supported by LwS team): £87 (for 1 night stay) to £80 (for 4 night stay)
Typical cost* for package C - this will fall in between A and B according to the level support.
* 'typical' is based on 25 pupils. Fewer pupils may raise the cost/pupil marginally, whilst more would lower it slightly.

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